Before Before the old shed was demolished
WE01 The old shed demolished, and trying the car for size in the back garden
WE02 With the help of Charlie, the hired minidigger, my friends the Duncan family and a couple of skips, the foundations were dug
WE03 I built the formwork, and then broke up the bricks from the old shed for hardcore
WE04 Laying the concrete foundations was HARD WORK. I am indebted to all the friends and neighbours who saved the day when I was exhausted.
WE05 Chris and I set out the garage and lay the first few blocks
WE06 My trailer worked hard fetching concrete blocks as I built the walls
WE07 Walls are up to the height of the window
WE08 Impromptu access platforms (Health and Safety look away - it got worse!) to help build at height
WE09 Not quite high enough yet, but the window frame is in.
WE10 Steel roof beams have arrived. The lintel is over the window. Walls are finally finished!
WE11 Once again, my friends helped out. This time it was lifting the two 110kg beams onto the walls.
WE12 Chris and I fabricated the roof, while Grace took photos and made tea. At the end of each day we tried our Land-Rovers for size.
WE13 The main doors are half finished and hung. Soon the fence can go!
WE14 The main doors are finished, painted with old engine oil, and the fence has gone!
WE15 The doors facing the house are up now. I've almost finished painting the outside.
WE16 After a few more weekends work, I've painted the inside, wired the lights and and electrics and made workbenches.

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